Imi Knoebel Das Und Das
25 January – 16 March 2013
Imi Knoebel's exhibition Das Und Das exhibited key works from various current groups of works and entered them into dialogue.
For the first time, a work from his latest series of Garden pictures will be presented – a multi-part work in which the painted aluminium elements look almost like weightless papier collé and have the effect of a structural variant of Henri Matisse's late collages. There are also works from Knoebel's series of stylised house forms. The two-part works each consist of a square or a rectangle and a trapezium. Adjacent to the top of the larger rectangular areas, which are in different shades of white, is a much smaller trapezium painted red or black.
Further works that were on display were from the Cut-ups series, the Colourfield paintings cut into strips and reassembled into a new logical entity, the Potato pictures, oval forms, profiles, triangles and rectangles overlapping freely and irregularly, and works from the series of small-format paintings entitled Anima mundi, alluded to the ancient concept of the world soul. The voluminous sculpture Place – Menninge (2012) completed the ensemble of works.