
Imran Qureshi Bibliothèque Ste-Geneviève | Nuit Blanche | 2014

Imran Qureshi Bibliothèque Ste-Geneviève | Nuit Blanche | 2014

"And They Still Seek the Trace of Blood", 2014 On the occasion of the Nuit Blanche Paris 2014, Imran Qureshi presented a live visual sound performance of enormous scale titled "And They Still Seek the Trace of Blood, 2014" at the Sainte-Geneviève Library. Red forms and shapes from his work were printed on thousands of sheets of paper that were crumpled and thrown on a large pile by the visitors of Nuit Blanche to the Labrouste reading-room of this famous 19th century library.

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