Tom Sachs Space Program: Indoctrination Art Sonje Center . (This link opens in a new tab).
Art Sonje Center presents Tom Sachs’ first solo show in Korea, highlighting his bricolage sculpture technique to present twists on contemporary society, culture, politics, and economy. Sachs’ Space Program project began in 2007. Since then, it has expanded to include Space Program: Mars (2012), Space Program: Europa (2016), Space Program: Rare Earths (2021).
Recontextualizing American do-it-yourself culture and bricolage methodologies in original ways, Sachs’ Space Program is an example of adventure by the artist and his crew as they seek to gain a clearer understanding of the situation we now face and to explore new alternatives. If Sachs’ Space Program of the past are viewed as a full activation – sharing a glimpse and experience of the process of exploring and colonizing new environments in search of new resources – the Space Program by Sachs that appears at Art Sonje Center is designed to function as an “education center” for those seeking to learn what it takes to go to space with plywood, duct tape and solder.