Taking a close look against the visual habit: Marcel Duchamp draws a little beard on the legendary motif.
Featured in Salzburger Nachrichten

"Duchamp und Rauschenberg bei Ropac" Bernhard Flieher on the two concurrent exhibitions on view in Salzburg . (This link opens in a new tab).

4 June 2022
Salzburg Villa Kast

In the annex of the Thaddaeus Ropac gallery in Salzburg, the tenderly bearded woman can currently be seen alongside other works by Marcel Duchamp. They are closely linked to the Robert Rauschenberg exhibition already on view at Ropac. The two artists were connected by a friendship. In 1959, for example, Rauschenberg acquired Duchamp's famous Bottle Rack, the work he called his first readymade and which is now in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. "A duplicate or a mechanical repetition has the same value as the original." Duchamps said, changing the course of art.


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