Image: Talk by Emanuele Coccia

Talk by Emanuele Coccia Closing of the Anselm Kiefer exhibition "Hommage à un poète"

22 May 2022
Paris Pantin

Sunday 22 May 2022 at 3pm

Thaddaeus Ropac Paris Pantin
69, avenue du Général Leclerc, 93500 Pantin


Join us at Thaddaeus Ropac Paris Pantin for a talk in French by philosopher Emanuele Coccia on the occasion of the closing of the Anselm Kiefer exhibition, Hommage à un poète (Homage to a poet). 
Emanuele Coccia will speak on the relationship between poetry and painting in the work of Anselm Kiefer.

Emanuele Coccia teaches at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris since 2011. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Columbia, Harvard, Venice, Weimar, Tokyo and Buenos Aires. His books, translated into many languages, include "La Vie Sensible" (ed. Rivages, Paris, 2010) and "La vie des plantes. Une métaphysique du mélange" (ed. Rivages, Paris, 2016) and more recently "Métamorphoses" (ed. Rivages, Paris, 2020) and "Philosophie de la Maison" (ed. Rivages, Paris, 2021).

In collaboration with Giorgio Agamben, he published "Angeli. Ebraismo, Cristianesimo, Islam" (Milan: Neri Pozza, 2009), an anthology on angels in Christian, Jewish and Islamic contexts. In 2019, he was scientific advisor for the exhibition Nous les arbres, presented at the Fondation Cartier in Paris. He has directed animated videos such as Heaven in Matter (2021, with Faye Formisano). He is the editor of the catalog of the 23rd Architecture and Design Triennial in Milan. He is currently writing a four-handed book on the relationship between fashion and philosophy with Gucci's artistic director, Alessandro Michele.


Emanuele Coccia. Photo by Frank Perrin
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