Image: Claire Adelfang

Claire Adelfang Only Six Buckets For All This Water

30 April—12 Juni 2016
Les Moulins De Paillard

Les Moulins De Paillard
Poncé-sur-le-loir, France


Originating from the Six Bassins of 1964, nine hydro structures have emerged. Only Six Buckets for All This Water uses the riverbed to reflect the limits of human communication and knowledge. With works showing the evasive potential of language or the calculations of ever-changing areas, this exhibition attempts to define that which is constant flux.

The flood plane… Although communities have historically thrived along river banks for energy, transport and irrigation, the Hydro Concept under, the law Grenelle, promotes a return to the unpredictable natural state capable of provoking mass displacement, submerged architecture, zones non ædificandi. 


Claire Adelfang, Photographs. Courtesy of the Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris/Salzburg

Alexandre-Sébastien Gérard, Le Canal du Loir - Le 8e Projet : 1822-1840. Map. 

Les Moulins de Paillard. Méthode d’Exhaustion 2015 - 2016. Photographs and video. 

SAGE Hydro Concept 2013. Files and Maps.

Andrei Tarkovsky, Solaris, 1972. Film 145 minutes.

Andrei Tarkovsky, Stalker, 1979. Film 163 minutes.


curators : James Porter and Shelly De Vito

associate curator : Matthieu Lelièvre


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