Image: Georg Baselitz: Sculptures
© Georg Baselitz 2023. Photos: Hugo Glendinning 2023.
Featured in The Times

Georg Baselitz: Sculptures — I’m in awe of these raw wooden giants

4 Oktober 2023


The 85-year-old Baselitz has spent the past six decades of his career turning the human figure inside out and upside down, rendering bodies provocative, erotic or obscene. The sculptures here are colossal, some of them three times my height. Michelangelo’s David redone by lumberjacks. They rise from stomping feet like executioner’s blocks. One standing man has hands like JCB diggers. In the daylight Baselitz’s BFGs seem benign enough, but if you went at the end of the day — park in the dark, dome in the gloaming — I wonder whether they might not loom a little larger and come across as more massively uncanny. They are accompanied by 68 related drawings done in corkscrewing strokes of pencil and ink.

Read the full article in The Times.

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