Image: GROW. The Tree in Art
Rona Pondick, Head in Tree, 2006-08. Installed in the exhibition GROW: The Tree in Art, Belvedere Museum, Vienna. © Belvedere, Vienna, Photo: Johannes Stoll.
Museum Exhibitions

GROW. The Tree in Art Rona Pondick and Liza Lou . (This link opens in a new tab).

23 September 2022—8 January 2023
Belvedere, Vienna

Curated by Miroslav Haľák.

Mysterious, bearer of knowledge, silent observer: The tree is deeply rooted in culture – as a mediator between the divine and the human, as an object of science, and as a warning sign for ecological (mis)developments. In dedicating an exhibition to the tree that spans numerous styles and epochs, the Belvedere is focusing on a central subject in art history and its complex relationship with humankind.

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