VALIE EXPORT was honored with the Max-Beckmann-Prize of the City of Frankfurt for her lifetime achievement . (This link opens in a new tab).
We are happy to announce that VALIE EXPORT was presented with the Max-Beckmann-Prize of the City of Frankfurt by Dr. Ina Hartwig, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Frankfurt on Saturday, 18 June 2022. The laudatory speech was given by the Swiss artist Sylvie Fleury, after which VALIE EXPORT signed her name in the Golden Book of the City of Frankfurt.
The prize is one of the most prestigious art prizes in Germany and honours outstanding achievements in the fields of painting, graphic arts, sculpture and architecture. Since 1978, the award has been presented to a total of fifteen artists and architects, including Arnulf Rainer and Willem de Kooning. After Maria Lassnig, Barbara Klemm, Agnès Varda and Cindy Sherman, VALIE EXPORT is the fifth female laureate.