Image: Anselm Kiefer 'Early Works' in Oxford
The ‘Mosaic Hall’ of the Reich Chancellery: Kiefer's laconically titled but monumental painting ‘Interior’ measures 288 by 311 centimetres and dates from 1981. Photo: Mark Woods
Featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Anselm Kiefer 'Early Works' in Oxford Exhibition review . (This link opens in a new tab).

23 February 2025

By Eva Ladipo

[...] The current return of what was thought to have been overcome proves Kiefer right: the confusion of lies and truth, the addiction to grandeur, the disappearance of the rule of law, the outstretched arm in the manner of ‘historical symbols’. It is as if the new world order is finally resolving the old misunderstanding: with his excavations of German history, Kiefer can neither treat nor heal. He can only depict and record what was, what is and what will always be.

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