Image: Harun Farocki Estate
Museum Exhibition

Harun Farocki Estate Retrospective . (This link opens in a new tab).

23 November 2017—14 January 2018
Centre Pompidou

Place Georges Pompidou
75004 Paris


As part of the Festival d’Automne, the Centre Pompidou is hosting the most comprehensive Harun Farocki (1944-2014) retrospective in France to date.

Conceived as a dialogue between the works of Harun Farocki and the films of Christian Petzold, a former student, friend and collaborator of Farocki, the two-fold exhibition is a journey through the territories of two of the most important German filmmakers of their generation.

In 1967, drawing on his deeply political conception of cinema, Harun Farocki began making fiction and documentary films and to experiment with moving image at large, fostering film essays, videos, installations and collaborative workshops of various lengths, subjects and genres. Beyond its highly intellectual content, the singularity of his work lies in the invention of new editing methods.

The Centre Pompidou is presenting a selection of twelve installations and videos from the last thirty years, illustrating the extent of the director’s critical thinking of contemporary images in marketing, media, surveillance technology and videogames. The screenings and panel discussions organized during the exhibition combined with the reprinting of some of Farocki’s most important texts shed light on the complexity of each work. The Goethe-Institut, partner in this event, will present simultaneously a selection of children’s films made by Harun Farocki for German television.



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