Image: Lisa Brice
Lisa Brice, After Ophelia, 2018. © Lisa Brice
Featured in The Guardian's Saturday

Lisa Brice After Ophelia

11 February 2023

By Skye Sherwin

Lisa Brice has looked to Caribbean culture to create this badass redux of Millais's painting of the drowned Ophelia a supine martyr to a broken heart - the one that the model Lizzie Siddal posed for, notoriously nearly freezing to death in a bath. Instead of a watery grave, Brice's woman emerges from a cheap plastic ribbon curtain. No sad wilted bouquet for this lady: she has a joint in one hand and, in the other, a Stag beer, a so-called 'man's drink' in Trinidad. Her skin is the blue of carnival devils and the cat is more witch's familiar than pet. Like the decidedly undomestic-looking feline, you feel this single woman is a predator not a victim.

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