Anselm Kiefer
Anselm fuit hic, 2023
Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, gold leaf and sediment of electrolysis
190 x 280 cm (74.8 x 110.24 in)
Anselm Kiefer
Versuch auf Wasser zu gehen, 1969

In a group of works within the series, Kiefer has written their title Anselm fuit hic (Anselm was here) in his characteristic cursive handwriting on the upper edge of the picture. This references Jan van Eyck’s signature on his famous Arnolfini Portrait (1434), which is believed to have documented the artist’s presence at the marital scene. ‘For the first time in history the artist became the perfect eye-witness in the truest sense of the term,’ writes Ernst Gombrich about this icon of art history. In Kiefer’s works, this same declaration of presence is inscribed on the gold plane above the river, ‘as if to say: I was here, the Rhine is mine, it’s my paradise and my Hell, it’s my remembrance and my curse, it’s my elixir of youth and my baptismal font, it’s my abyss and my reservoir: it is my Rhine and my everything,’ as Illies writes.
Anselm Kiefer
Anselm fuit hic, 2015-23
Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, gold leaf and sediment of electrolysis
280 x 380 cm (110.24 x 149.61 in)

Anselm Kiefer
Waldsteig, 2019-23
Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, gold leaf and sediment of electrolysis
280 x 380 cm (110.24 x 149.61 in)

The motifs of autumn are echoed in the large glass vitrine presented in the exhibition. It contains a set of scales and a plethora of brown leaves, seemingly tumbling from a different world. Kiefer has been creating this type of artwork since the 1980s; they are vessels for the unimaginable and invisible abundance that surrounds us, while reinforcing themes of alienation and isolation. Through his practice, the artist explores the fundamental questions of human existence through the depiction of nature. Drawing on the philosophy of Robert Fludd, Kiefer presents the viewer with a microcosm that stands for the entire universe and, at the same time, unites the eternal cycle of creation and decay.
Anselm Kiefer
Im Herbst dreht sich die Erde etwas schneller (0,06 sec), 2018
Glass, metal, lead, shellac, dried leaves, nylon threads, plaster and acrylic, 1800 kg
361 x 280 x 172 cm (142.13 x 110.24 x 67.72 in)

Anselm Kiefer
Waldsteig, 2023
Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, gold leaf and sediment of electrolysis
280 x 380 cm (110.24 x 149.61 in)

Anselm Kiefer
9 years old
Anselm Kiefer
9 years old

Anselm Kiefer
Der Rhein, 2015-23
Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, gold leaf and sediment of electrolysis
280 x 380 cm (110.24 x 149.61 in)