Image: Rona Pondick's Monkeys
Rona Pondick, Monkeys, 1998-2001. Installed in the exhibition Carlone Contemporary: Rona Pondick, Belvedere Museum, Vienna. © Belvedere, Vienna, Photo: Johannes Stoll.
Featured in machdichSCHLAU

Rona Pondick's Monkeys . (This link opens in a new tab).


A horde of monkeys stormed the Carlone Hall in the Upper Belvedere. They are hybrid creatures with human body parts: Rona Pondick's Monkeys is an artistic adaptation in a baroque ambience that plays with the viewer's distance and closeness. The Belvedere is showing the work in the CARLONE CONTEMPORARY series. Until January 8th, 2023 in the Upper Belvedere.

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