Image: Mandy El-Sayegh at London Gallery Weekend
Mandy El-Sayegh, Performance rehearsal, UTA Artist Space, Los Angeles, 2022. Video: Josh S. Rose. Courtesy the artist and UTA Artist Space.
Featured in The Guardian

Mandy El-Sayegh at London Gallery Weekend Galleries across London will show contemporary art from across the world this weekend


By Skye Sherwin

Mandy El-Sayegh, The Minimum

The first artist to cinch London Gallery Weekend’s new public art commission, Mandy El-Sayegh’s performance explores the squeezed space of a solitary confinement cell. Co-created with the choreographer Alethia Antonia and composer Lily Oakes and co-commissioned by UP Projects, it promises to be a visceral study in the limited movement of isolated bodies, which will surely speak loudly to a world coming out of lockdown.
Various times, 13 May, St James’s church, Piccadilly; 14 May, Peckham Library Square; 15 May, Allen Gardens.

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