Image: London Gallery Weekend launches a performance public art commission with Mandy El-Sayegh
Mandy El-Sayegh by Abtin Ashraghi.
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London Gallery Weekend launches a performance public art commission with Mandy El-Sayegh . (This link opens in a new tab).


London Gallery Weekend Plots New Initiatives – The second edition of London Gallery Weekend—the largest event of its kind in the world—will take place next month, from May 13 to 15, across more than 150 participating galleries. For the first time, the platform will launch a performance public art commission, with the artist Mandy El-Sayegh. The Gallery Weekend has also named the 18 institutions that will receive funding from its inaugural partnership with Art Fund in a bid to build relationships between commercial galleries and regional institutions. These include Nottingham Contemporary and the Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow. 

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