... what art is for
"What it's always been for, which is magic. From the cave paintings, they were trying to tap into magic, to put something in a visual language that we can't really understand. It's always been about magic."
• Ali Banisadr's Rizzoli book . (This link opens in a new tab).is published 4 May ($85). His two-part exhibition in Florence Beautiful Lies, which marks the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth, is taking place across two locations, the Museo Bardini and the Palazzo Vecchio (end of April- end of August, contingent on lockdown restrictions). An exhibition of his work, The Specks of Dust, will show at Kasmin, New York (6 May-26 June), and his work also features in the Victoria Miro online exhibition The Sky was blue, the Sea was Blue and the Boy was Blue. (This link opens in a new tab).. He also has a solo exhibition at Victoria Miro in London in 2022 and will feature in Epic Iran. (This link opens in a new tab). at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (17 May-12 September, contingent on lockdown restrictions).