Image: Sylvie Fleury: The Art of Provocation
Installation view of 'Sculpture Nails' at Thaddaeus Ropac Paris. © Sylvie Fleury. Photo: Pierre Tanguy.
Featured in Télérama

Sylvie Fleury: The Art of Provocation The exhibition 'Sculpture Nails' in Paris is showcasing over thirty years of her work . (This link opens in a new tab).

12 February 2025

By Laurent Boudier

A bright pink missile resting on its fins, stacks of magazines, repurposed consumer goods, a redesigned handbag, or neon lights parodying advertising slogans…Swiss artist Sylvie Fleury, born in 1961 in Geneva, could she be the Calamity Jane of contemporary art? Punk and feminist, she shoots down good taste, blending the flashy allure of artificial colors and shiny chrome with fashion archetypes. [...]

Until February 22, 10 AM – 7 PM (closed on Sundays and Mondays),
Gallery Thaddaeus Ropac, 7 Rue Debelleyme, 3rd arrondissement.(Translation)


French original version: 

Missile de couleur rose pétant posé au sol sur ses ailettes, piles de magazines, objets de consommation détournés, sac à main relooké ou néons pastichant le slogan publicitaire... L'artiste suisse Sylvie Fleury, née en 1961 à Genève, serait-elle la Calamity jane de l'art contemporain ? Punk, féministe, elle flingue le bon goût et mêle le clinquant des couleurs artificielles et des chromes brillants aux archétypes de la mode. [...]

Jusqu'au 22 fév., 10h-19h (sf dim., lun.)
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 7, rue Debelleyme, 3e,
01 42 72 99 00. Entrée libre.

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