Image: Sembra vivo!
Ron Mueck, Dark Place, 2018. Photo: Marcus Leith © the artist Courtesy Thaddaeus Ropac gallery
Museum Exhibitions

Sembra vivo! Group exhibition featuring Ron Mueck at Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome, Italy

Palazzo Bonaparte, Rome, Italy

This exhibition showcases 43 hyper-realistic sculptures by renowned contemporary artists, including Ron Mueck, Maurizio Cattelan, George Segal, and Carole Feuerman.

The exhibition reveals the international character of the hyper-realist movement, which, from the 1970s onwards, has constantly evolved by adopting ever-new and varied techniques of modelling, fusion, and painting of matter to reach ever-higher levels in the realistic representation of the human figure, emulating the shapes, contours, and textures of the human body or its parts creating a stunning visual illusion and extreme lifelikeness.

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