梅根·鲁尼 梅根·鲁尼






梅根·鲁尼(Megan Rooney)是一个神秘的叙事者,她以不同的艺术媒介,包括绘画、雕塑、装置、表演和语言,去创作互相交织的故事。身体是她作品里重复出现的元素,另外还有透过创作所累积的经验,包括在起点和终点的时候。她作品的主题来自自己的生活和四周的环境,而且经常取材自当下,同时她也会探索政治与社会对家庭与女性身体的无数影响。重复出现的人物与主题建构了梦境似的故事,这个故事从来都不是固定的,但又间接地呼应了当代最逼切的议题。

鲁尼统一地在面积200 x 150厘米的画布上作画,是一般女性张开双手时的长度。透过一层层优雅脱俗、经过打磨及重复涂上颜色的造形,她创作了抽象的故事,既不能辨识开始,也难以意识终结。评论家艾米莉·拉巴格(Emily LaBarge)写道 “每一幅绘画都是承载时间与空间的胶囊。它们是努力和关爱的产物,是让艺术家与画布展开亲密对话的平台,作品的内在仍然如脉搏般跳动。” 鲁尼在每一层造形之间加入了对比鲜明的颜色或生动的线条,目的是吸引观众的目光,然后用这些意想不到的元素去扰乱他们的视线。有形的造形在超凡脱俗的空间浮现又消失,仿佛在形成的过程中被捕捉。


梅根·鲁尼(Megan Rooney)是一个神秘的叙事者,她以不同的艺术媒介,包括绘画、雕塑、装置、表演和语言,去创作互相交织的故事。身体是她作品里重复出现的元素,另外还有透过创作所累积的经验,包括在起点和终点的时候。她作品的主题来自自己的生活和四周的环境,而且经常取材自当下,同时她也会探索政治与社会对家庭与女性身体的无数影响。重复出现的人物与主题建构了梦境似的故事,这个故事从来都不是固定的,但又间接地呼应了当代最逼切的议题。

鲁尼统一地在面积200 x 150厘米的画布上作画,是一般女性张开双手时的长度。透过一层层优雅脱俗、经过打磨及重复涂上颜色的造形,她创作了抽象的故事,既不能辨识开始,也难以意识终结。评论家艾米莉·拉巴格(Emily LaBarge)写道 “每一幅绘画都是承载时间与空间的胶囊。它们是努力和关爱的产物,是让艺术家与画布展开亲密对话的平台,作品的内在仍然如脉搏般跳动。” 鲁尼在每一层造形之间加入了对比鲜明的颜色或生动的线条,目的是吸引观众的目光,然后用这些意想不到的元素去扰乱他们的视线。有形的造形在超凡脱俗的空间浮现又消失,仿佛在形成的过程中被捕捉。

艺术家独特的调色、对物料应用的敏感度与刺激观感的色彩运用,是她艺术手法的中心,统一了她跨媒体的作品。就如策展人安娜·莱娜·塞瑟(Anna Lena Seiser)所形容 “颜色变成野火,是一个有生命的元素,它可以变形并与其他主体重叠,吞噬它们,可以占据空间而且把所有东西编织在一起。” 鲁尼的大型壁画是短暂的创作以回应四周的建筑空间,它们经常与雕塑作品放置在一起,创造了互相包围的环境。制作雕塑的素材是家用物料、寻找到的物件与弃置的布料,而透过有触感的调色和灵巧的笔触,这些雕塑与鲁尼的画作有明显的联系。她的表演作品也一样,其中绘画的元素似乎有了自己的生命,舞者随着她散文诗的乐谱而翩跹起舞。

鲁尼定居伦敦,并在南非、巴西与加拿大成长。她在多伦多大学(University of Toronto)修毕文学学士课程,后来在2011年於伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths College, London)取得艺术文学硕士学位。她最近在不同的博物馆举行个人展览,包括萨尔茨堡艺术协会(Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg)(2020-21年)、多伦多当代艺术博物馆(Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto)(2020年)与杜塞尔多夫美术馆(Kunsthalle Düsseldorf)(2019年)。 她的表演《到处都是那里》(EVERYWHERE BEEN THERE)是联同编舞家添美托佩·亚祖斯-卡丁(Temitope Ajose-Cutting)与音乐家保罗·托尔森-内格尔(Paolo Thorsen-Nagel)一同创作的作品,于2019年在杜塞尔多夫美术馆首演。在这个表演的一年以前,鲁尼在伦敦蛇形画廊(Serpentine Galleries)的公园之夜(Park Nights)节目表演了《日落月升》(SUN DOWN MOON UP)。鲁尼的作品也在不同的团体展览展出,包括亚琛的路德维希国际艺术论坛(Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen)(2021年)、里昂双年展(Lyon Biennial)(2019年)、华沙现代美术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw)(2019及2017年)、巴黎东京宫(Palais de Tokyo, Paris)(2018年)、威尼斯双年展(Venice Biennale)(2017年)、倫敦大衛·罗伯茨艺术基金会(David Roberts Art Foundation, London)(2017及2014年)与巴黎老佛爷百货公司基金会(Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, Paris)(2014年)等等。



Megan Rooney Currently on view: 'Echoes and Hours' at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge
Currently on view:
'Echoes and Hours' at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge
Megan Rooney at the Fondation Louis Vuitton La Couleur en Fugue - With Sun
La Couleur en Fugue - With Sun



As part of her 2024 solo exhibition, Echoes and Hours at Kettle's Yard in Cambridge, Rooney created a temporary mural. Interested in the human desire to leave a mark, however transient, Rooney considers wall painting to be an extension of her performative practice, igniting an informal collaboration between her body, the architecture and the scissor lift she uses to reach high heights. Over the course of three weeks, Rooney worked without a preparatory sketch, responding to subtle changes in temperature, sound and natural light, which filter through a skylight in the gallery space. Embodied experience has been consistently important to Rooney’s work. The body, as she suggests, is both ‘the subjective starting point and the final site for the sedimentation of experiences’ explored through her practice. 


Spin Down Sky is a new dance performance by Megan Rooney commissioned specially for her 2024 solo exhibition, Echoes & Hours at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. The performance narrates the unlikely relationship between a moth and a spider - symbolic characters that hold personal significance for the artist.

One dancer, clad in all black, has been cast as the bolas spider, also known as an ‘angling’ or ‘fishing’ spider for the way it hunts its prey: eschewing the typical orb web of a regular arachnid, it instead employs a long silk line with a sticky blob on the end, which it swings and affixes to its target, reeling it in to its demise. The other dancer, in pleated trousers and a pale, patterned shirt, is a night butterfly, also known as a moth, and the name, too, of a rare and velvety red dahlia flower that attracts flying insects. It is a love story? Can unhappy bed fellows, preternaturally opposed in nature, make a life together?
— Excerpt from Spin Down Sky by Emily LaBarge

Spin Down Sky, 2024
Directed by Megan Rooney, choreography by Temi Ajose, performed by Temi Ajose and Leah Marojevic, and sound by tyroneisaacstuart


The Scalpel, London, collection of Ho Bee Land

 Seasonal weather shifts and light conditions play a vital role in my work. The paintings both draw from and steal atmospheres, impressions and images lodged inside my memory... a willow tree reflected in a city pond, immense and open, the profound realization that contained inside the bloom of an ordinary tulip bulb lives an entire universe of color hidden to most rushing past. These small observations inform the painting's delicate interplay of color and light, as I sand back to reveal layers of pigment. To paint is always to start at the beginning and yet I carry with me the memory of all the paintings that have come before. I ask (and wish) the viewer to feel this lineage when confronted with my work, so they might be transported back in time with me, to a different iteration of the story.
— Megan Rooney

Megan Rooney at Fondation Louis Vuitton La Couleur en Fugue

News and Press

News and Press


Megan Rooney Echoes and Hours

Megan Rooney
Echoes and Hours

Atmospheric image
Atmospheric image
Atmospheric image