Erwin Wurm
Untitled (11) 《无题(11)》 , 2020
混凝土、油漆 5公斤
Created in 2020, Untitled (11) encapsulates Erwin Wurm’s thematic interrogation of absurdity through human interactions with the material world. A concrete cast of an arm has two painted oranges pressed onto the fingertips of its three-fingered hand. The work references the celebrated series of One Minute Sculptures commenced by the artist in the late 1990s. Wurm invites participants to interact with a variety of everyday objects, often including oranges, for 60 seconds, recording their performance in photographs and on video.
Untitled (11) captures the transient performance of the body enacted in the One Minute Sculptures in concrete, pulling binaries such as the animate and the inanimate, and the permanent and the perishable, into dialogue. To coincide with the 59th Venice Biennale, a solo exhibition of the artist’s work is currently on view at the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice until 13 November 2022.
Wurm has two additional solo exhibitions at the Bratislava City Gallery, Slovakia from 2 October to 29 January 2023, and at the Suwon Museum of Art, South Korea from December 2022 to March 2023.
人类与物质世界的互动而产生的种种荒谬,一直是欧文·沃姆(Erwin Wurm)叩问的主题,于2020年创作的《无题(11)》就对此做了一个概括。一条混凝土倒模的手 臂,在其三隻手指的指尖上压着两个涂了漆的橙。该作品参考了艺术家在1990年代 后期开始的着名系列《一分钟凋塑》。
沃姆邀请参与者与各种日常物品(通常包括橙 子)互动60秒,并在照片和视频中记录他们的表演。《无题(11)》把《一分钟凋塑》中的 身体表演以混凝土捕捉,让动态和静态、永恆和腐化的等对立特质作出对话。 为配合第59届威尼斯双年展,艺术家的个展目前正在威尼斯圣马可国家图书馆 (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana)展出至2022年11月13日。
沃姆亦将于2023年 11月9日至2023年1月期间在斯洛伐克布拉提斯拉瓦市立博物馆(Bratislava City Gallery),和2022年12月至2023年3月在韩国水原市美术馆(Suwon Museum of Art)举办个展。