Artists' News

"Gloria" by Robert Wilson Discover a unique sound installation in Paris

Sainte-Chapelle, Paris

“Gloria” is a 360° sound work created for the cathedral of light that is the Sainte-Chapelle. Richard Landry's musical composition is enriched with excerpts from De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) by the Latin philosopher Lucretia carried by the voices of a man, a woman and a child. They echo, in a profane way, the stained glass windows of the chapel that evoke the origins of the world, the course of the sun, the soul, the body, the void, the relationship of humans to the universe, and nature.

The work is diffused throughout the chapel with a sound spatialization device developed for the monument composed of about fifteen loudspeakers positioned within in the architecture.

The sound processing software has been developed by the Amadeus Company, creator of electro-acoustic broadcasting systems, in coordination with IRCAM. It incorporates several techniques of reverberation and spatialization of sound, which allows this profane mass imagined by Robert Wilson to occupy and structure the space in an unprecedented way.

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