Image: Monumental Minimal

Monumental Minimal Event And Book Launch

Thaddaeus Ropac Paris Pantin

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac is pleased to invite you to a round-table discussion on American Minimal Art on the occasion of the exhibition Monumental Minimal in our Paris Pantin gallery Saturday 2 March at 4:30pm. The exhibition brings together twenty works by the six pioneering Minimal artists Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, and Robert Morris. As indicated by its title, the exhibition seeks to explore the ambivalent relationship of these works to the notion of the monument and to classical sculpture in general.

Join us for a series of talks and a conversation between leading art historians and critics Éric de Chassey, Béatrice Gross and Guitemie Maldonado. Each speaker will draw upon their own expertise within the context of this exhibition. Éric de Chassey will reinvestigate the transatlantic artistic exchanges between modern European art and American Minimalism, Béatrice Gross will examine the transition from Minimal to Conceptual art in the practice of Sol LeWitt, and in tribute to the late Robert Morris, Guitemie Maldonado will question the use of new material forms in the transition to Post-Minimal art.

We also invite you to discover on this occasion the new exhibition catalogue. The bilingual publication features new scholarship by acclaimed curator and expert Philippe Vergne, who organised seminal exhibitions of Minimal art during his tenure at the Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis and Dia Art Foundation, New York.

The event will take place in French. 

Register here

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