Hans Josephsohn
Via Brattas 2, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland
Now in the seventh decade of his practice, Alex Katz first began painting flowers in the 1960s to express the movement he felt was absent from his portraits. He created his latest body of flower works during the pandemic, saying, ‘I thought the world could use some cheering up.’ In Red Lily 1 (2022) the deep vermilion and verdant green leaves of the voluptuous lily are thrown into contrast against the solid black background, emphasising the vibrant hues of the work. A major retrospective covering eight decades of the artist’s intense creative production, Gathering, is currently on view at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York until 20 February 2023.
它的外表和颜色。你希望整张绘画会给人一种赏花的感官体验——那是一种无与伦比的经验。—亚历克斯·卡茨, 2021
已经来到其创作生涯的第七个年头,亚历克斯·卡茨自六十年代起开始绘画花朵。它表达的正是他绘画人物肖像时从缺的一种动态。他一系列全新的花朵画作在全球疫情期间创作:「我猜这个世界需要一点欢乐。」在《红百合 1》(Red Lily 1 ,2022)深朱红色与祖母绿的叶子在纯黑色背景前构成了这株妖冶百合的强烈对比,突出了作品的强烈色彩风格。
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