Emilio Vedova Registrazione ‘81 — 2/7 (monologo), 1981
Registrazione ‘81 — 2/7 (monologo) (1981) epitomises the vigorous brushwork and striking use of colour synonymous with Emilio Vedova’s politically-charged abstraction. The gestural application of black paint structures the composition of the pictorial plane, which is balanced by dynamic swathes of bold colour, conveying a raw reaction to the political reality of the post-war period. Incorporating non-traditional materials, including sand, water and paste, the Venetian artist builds layers of pigmented medium to form a textured surface. Asserting that ‘ultimately material must respond to feeling’, Vedova recognises the emotive qualities not only of form and colour, but also texture.
The painting was created in the year preceding the artist’s contribution to the Italian pavilion at the 40th Venice Biennale in 1982 and his notable participation in documenta 7 (1982), Kassel. Along with a number of significant solo exhibitions and publications in the 1980s, these presentations asserted the significance of the artist’s work for an upcoming generation of Neo-Expressionist artists. Today, he is regarded as one of the most influential Italian artists of the late 20th century.
《Registrazione ‘81 - 2/7 (monologo)》 (1981) 体现了埃米利奥·维多瓦(Emilio Vedova) 苍劲的笔触和出众的色彩运用,与他充满政治意味的抽象造型相契合。他使用鲜明的黑色颜料配合刚健的笔触作画面的构图,与大胆色彩的动态条纹相平衡,表达了艺术家对战后政治现实的直接反应。结合各种非传统材料,包括沙、水和浆煳,这位威尼斯艺术家以层层迭迭的色面建构出一个充满质感的肌理。维多瓦断言「物料终究必须对情感成出反应」,维多瓦不仅对形式和颜色的情感特质有所认识,也对其质感暸如指掌。
此画作在艺术家于1982年在第40届威尼斯双年展以及卡塞尔的第7届文献展(1982年)前一年创作。 连同80年代的一些重要个展和出版物,此展示肯定了艺术家的作品对下一代新表现主义艺术家的重要影响。 今天,他被认为是20世纪后期最有影响力的意大利艺术家之一。