Image: Interview with Tom Sachs
Tom Sachs, 2022. Photo: Seunghoon Jeong.
Featured in Hypebeast

Interview with Tom Sachs A sculptor who makes sneakers, a boombox, and a rocket . (This link opens in a new tab).

7 July 2022
By Watch the interview. (This link opens in a new tab).

You have been working on your own NFT project, Rocket Factory, since last year. It's intriguing that this project is linked to both physical space and the virtual world. 

In our Rocket Factory, a rocket is assembled in digital space that gives the instructions to me to assemble the physical rocket to launch it and ship it to you. Then, the video of the launch is attached to the metadata, to the NFT. It starts in digital space. We then make it in physical space, we take a video and then attach that back to the digital component, which we cannot make without doing the physical. We come full circle to combine these two dimensions: Web 3.0 and physical space. A smart contract will succeed only when it is linked with meat space and real-world components.

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