Image: Here's how you can help the Ukraine aid effort by buying art
Antony Gormley, STRAIN I, 2011, Mild steel blocks, 44 x 55 x 187 cm
Featured in The Art Newspaper

Here's how you can help the Ukraine aid effort by buying art

22 März 2022

By Anna Brady and Daniel Cassady

Thaddaeus Ropac was donated work by a number of artists they represent and are selling a selection of paintings and sculptures that have been created for or selected as contributions to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. The works are on view across the gallery's five storefront locations as well as online, and include pieces by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, Antony Gormley and Martha Jungwirth. All proceeds from sales will go will go to three international organisations, the the Disasters Emergency Committee, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Austrian Red Cross.

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