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FLOWERS AND FREEDOM Exclusive Conversation with Alex Katz . (This link opens in a new tab).

21 Januar 2022
Seoul Fort Hill


When I entered Alex Katz's official website, the first thing that caught my eyes was bright flowers. Orange, bright yellow, light purple, the petals fluttering like a bright and cheerful summer overture. The painting from 2010, Wildflowers 1, features a simple touch, flat colors, and a wide background of pure colors, showing Katz's best-known visual vocabulary as a pioneer of pop art.


打开Alex Katz的官方网站,扑面而来的是鲜艳的花朵。橙色明黄浅紫,纷飞的花瓣仿佛一首明亮而轻快的夏日序曲。这件创作于2010年的绘画作品《野花1》(Wildflowers 1)拥有简约的笔触、平涂的色彩以及去景深的大面积纯色背景,呈现出Katz作为波普艺术先驱而最为人所熟知的视觉语汇。

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