Not Vital IR . (This link opens in a new tab).
Not Vital (1948 Sent, CH) is regarded as a nomadic artist, whose anthropological thirst for knowledge makes him seemingly restlessly travel the world, to process the impressions of different cultures in his sculptures. In fact, he is also closely linked to the place of his origin, the Swiss Engadin, to which he regularly returns. From this place and its traditions, his own memories of childhood and youth, he draws inspiration for his works, as well as images, forms and craft techniques of foreign cultures. Vital's work is formally distinguished by its striking clarity and precision, and at the same time conveys a mysterious timelessness through its not clearly nameable, archaic-looking iconography. The Museum der Moderne Salzburg will show a selection of sculptures with corresponding drawings by the artist.
Supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council. (This link opens in a new tab)., SWISSLOS/Kulturstiftung, Kanton Graubünden. (This link opens in a new tab). and Stiftung Stavros S. Niarchos, Chur
Curators: Christina Penetsdorfer and Thorsten Sadowsky
The exhibition is accompanied by a richly illustrated publication with scholarly essays in German and English