Image: Imi Knoebel

Imi Knoebel The Stained Glass Windows Of The Reims Cathedral

16 Januar 2020
Paris Marais

On the occasion of the exhibition Imi Knoebel: was machen Sie denn (on view until 18 January in the Marais gallery), join us for a special evening dedicated to the exceptional artistic project led by the German artist in the Reims cathedral. After the six stained glass windows created in 2011 to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the cathedral, Imi Knoebel was invited to create three other works in 2014 as a symbol of Franco-German reconciliation 100 years after the outbreak of the First World War. 

Caroline Smulders - gallerist and cultural actor - and Marc Nouschi - academic and former director of cultural affairs of Champagne-Ardenne, who followed the project closely, will share the secret history of this spectacular public commission on Thursday January, 16th at 7pm.

Free access upon availability.

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