Image: Martha Jungwirth and Alex Katz at Fondazione Cini
Martha Jungwirth, Herz der Finsternis at Galleria Palazzo Cini. Photo: Matteo Losurdo.
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Martha Jungwirth and Alex Katz at Fondazione Cini All the must-see exhibitions in Venice during the Art Biennale 2024 . (This link opens in a new tab).

14 April 2024

By Carla Tozzi

Palazzo Grassi and Fondazione Prada, San Giorgio and Ocean Space, and more: here is a selection of all the unmissable events in the lagoon that are not part of the Biennale calendar but still worth a visit.

4. The Giorgio Cini Foundation's program on the island of San Giorgio

The Giorgio Cini Foundation's program on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore for 2024 is full of events not to be missed. The Nuova Manica Lunga Library hosts a project featuring works from the archive of designer and Alessandro Mendini, while two major exhibitions dedicated to Helmut Newtoon and Patrick Mimran are presented at Le Stanze della Fotografia (in collaboration with Marsilio Arte). In the Palazzo Cini Gallery, Martha Jungwirth's paintings find their place, and then the long-awaited monographic exhibition of American artist Alex Katz. Finally, about forty key works by Chu Teh-Chun are presented in the unique space of the Gandini Pool, in a three-dimensional setting to be explored. 

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