Image: VALIE EXPORT Retrospective
VALIE EXPORT, SMART EXPORT, 1970, ALBERTINA, Wien © VALIE EXPORT, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023; Photo: Gertraud Wolfschwenger © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Museum Exhibitions

VALIE EXPORT Retrospective . (This link opens in a new tab).

27 Januar—22 Mai 2024
The C/O Berlin, Berlin, Germany

A filmmaker, performance artist, and media artist who is now celebrated as an icon of feminist art, EXPORT caused a sensation with her actions in public space in the late 1960s. The retrospective covers a wide range of works from her provocative “expanded cinema” actions, symbolic performances, and analytical conceptual photography to multimedia installations and urban interventions. The works reflect the multifaced development of an artist whose works are still topical and serve as important points of reference for sociopolitical investigations today. 

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