Image: 7 Women Artists You Should Know | Rachel Jones
Rachel Jones, lick your teeth, they so clutch, 2021 © Rachel Jones. Photo Tate (Sam Day, Rod Tidnam)
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7 Women Artists You Should Know | Rachel Jones Susan Gray . (This link opens in a new tab).

15 Mai 2023

With Tate Britain's rehang close to completion, with a lot more representation for women artists, here's a closer look at some women artists you need to know.

When Tate Britain's. (This link opens in a new tab). completed rehang is unveiled on May 23, only those with the longest memories or most frequently used membership cards will remember the Millbank gallery's precise configuration before the change. But all visitors will notice the change in vibe. 

Gone is the chronological sweep from mannered Tudor portraits, through Van Eyck's Restoration nobles, followed by Reynolds, Hogarth. (This link opens in a new tab). and Gainsborough, leading to the 19th century of Constable, Turner and the Pre Raphaelites, with women artists only making an appearance in the 20th century. Now women artists from all eras are being given their due, with 50 per cent of contemporary works on display created by women.

Fresh light is shone on established artists such as Hogarth, with explanations of how their work sat in the social, economic and political structures of their time. And as well as women, 20th-century artists marginalised for their sexuality, including Glyn Philpot and Duncan Grant. (This link opens in a new tab)., are given prominent positions in the story of British art history. Outgoing director of Tate Modern. (This link opens in a new tab)., Frances Morris. (This link opens in a new tab). says each generation has to "rebirth" art history to make it relevant to their times.

Here are seven women artists to get to know better in Tate Britain.

Rachel Jones, lick your teeth, they so clutch (2021)

Jones'. (This link opens in a new tab). large scale, non-figurative canvases always reference teeth or the lips, as the artist wishes to explore the human body's experience and interaction with the outside world, and the mouth is a major site of exchange between inner and outer life.  

Colour, form and gesture allow for expressions of emotions that are beyond language. Born in 1991 in London, Jones studied at Glasgow. (This link opens in a new tab). School of Art and the Royal Academy Schools.

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