尼克·奥伯塔勒(Nick Oberthaler)的作品特点是他利用抽象几何清晰、简约的视觉语言创作。他利用科技创造出作品的基础,并透过使用鲜明的人工色彩,进一步令画面变得深刻。他以简洁的线条与轮廓,就塑造出几何抽象艺术绘画的结构。奥伯塔勒在作品中运用了许多不同媒介,包括照片及他从书本、杂志或网上搜罗图像的影印本,以不同方式重构,最终以草图或完成品的方式展示。艺术家没有言明创作和现实的关系,从作品中往往无法推断创作的参考和出处,让观者对作品保持好奇及自由解读。
奥伯塔勒将作品统称为 “绘画”,尽管在创作过程中他会采用多种物料,包括颜料、墨水和拼贴碎片。由于纸张拥有细腻以及无法复原的特质,因此成为他首选的创作媒介:纸张脆弱的表面反映了每一道创作痕迹,甚至有时会在艺术家粗暴处理的过程中损坏。同时,纸张表面的敏感令他能以一种细微、精巧的方式创作。他将墨水和蜡,或粉彩和水彩等互不相融的材料结合,创造意想不到的纹理及张力。
奥伯塔勒于1981年出生于奥地利巴德伊舍。他在维也纳美术学院(Vienna Academy of Fine Arts)和日内瓦高等美术学院学习(École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts),现居于维也纳及汉堡从事创作和生活。他的作品被各大重要艺术机构收藏,包括维也纳美景宫21现代美术馆(21er Haus / Belvedere, Vienna)、林茨美术馆(Landesgalerie Linz)以及荷兰瓦瑟纳尔的弗尔林登美术馆的卡尔迪奇收藏(Caldic Collection/Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, the Netherlands)。他参与的国际展览包括:由威尔弗·阿尔门德拉斯于马赛阿德莱德空间中策划的展览 “重新审视不同的震荡”,(Distinct Oscillations Revisited, with Wilfrid Almendra, Adelaïde, Marseille)(2018年)、法国维尔班罗纳阿尔卑斯省当代艺术中心的 “窗帘/百叶窗”(RIDEAUX/blinds, Institut d'Art Contemporain Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, France)(2015年)、与托马斯-尤利尔于格勒诺布尔巴斯迪艺术中心共同展出的 “黑鸟必然在飞”(The Blackbird Must be Flying, with Thomas Julier, Centre d'Art Bastille, Grenoble)(2014-15年)、于罗马国立现代及当代艺术美术馆和亨德里克·克里斯蒂安·安德森博物馆巡回展出的 “计划储备”(Calculated Reserve, Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen/Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome)(2014年)、鹿特丹博伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆的 “最小的神话”(Minimal Myth, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam)(2012年)。
Nick Oberthaler: Liminals, Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris Marais, France
Set de table #3 (with Pierre-Olivier Arnaud), MAUVE, Vienna, Austria
Set de table #2 (with Pierre-Olivier Arnaud), L'Our Bar, Clermont-Ferrand, France
M_O_B, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna, Austria
SEQUEL, Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Topology, Galerie Maria Bernheim, Zurich, Switzerland
Set de table (with Pierre-Olivier Arnaud), VIS, Hamburg, Germany
Set de table (with Pierre-Olivier Arnaud), néon, Lyon, France
Distinct Oscillations Revisited (with Wilfrid Almendra), Adelaide, Marseille, France
Cabrio (featuring Nico Vascellari), Galerie Emanuel Layr, Rome, Italy
Galerie Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Eventuality, Kunst im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria
I can see the whole room! ... And there is nobody in it!, Galerie Maria Bernheim, Zurich, Switzerland
Pièce Dérivée, Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Distinct Features Of Fast Oscillations..., Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna, Austria
No subject No Image No Taste No Matter No Grace No style, Bianca d'Alessandro, Copenhagen, Denmark
Calculated Reserve, Museo H.C. Andersen/Galleria nazionale d'arte moderna, Rome, Italy
Frankendael Foundation (with Dieuwke Spaans), Amsterdam, Netherlands
The blackbird must be flying (with Thomas Julier), Centre d'art bastille/CAB, Grenoble, France
Miart, solo presentation, Milan, Italy
Eventuality of an Attempt, Kiosk Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
Point de fuite, Galerie Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
{…}, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna, Austria
In an Expression of the Inexpressible, WIELS Center for Contemporary Art/Project Space, Brussels, Belgium
Zweifel und Gnade (Le doute et la grâce), Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
LISTE 15, Basel, Switzerland (with Layr Wuestenhagen, Vienna)
Nothing Ever Happened, Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Der verlorene und wiedergefundene Himmel, Layr Wuestenhagen, Vienna, Austria
Warsaw, Texas (with Julien Diehn), CSW Center for Contemporary Art Z. Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
Saufen bis zur Besinnlichkeit (with Daniel Megerle), Vienna, Salzburg, Austria
Sequence, BEIGE, Brussels, Belgium
VELUM, AMPLE, Amplepuis, France
#000000 (Schwarz) – #FFD700 (Gold) – #228B22 (Waldgrün), Postgebäude, Bad Ischl, Austria
OPEN, Heidi Horten Collection, Vienna, Austria
Dust: The plates of present, Beeler Gallery, Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH, USA
Dust: The plates of present, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Int'Ubagu, Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne, Chateau de Rochechouart, Rochechouart, France
Salon Hang, Kunstverein Amsterdam, Netherlands (with Pierre-Olivier Arnaud)
They had a house of crystal pillars, Belsunce Projects, Marseille, France (with Victor Yudaev)
Ticket to the Moon, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems an der Donau, Austria
Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb, Galerie im Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria
MOREpublishers at Brussels Art Weekend, Vanderborght building, Brussels, Belgium (with Johannes Wohnseifer)
Hospitality, NOS - Non Objectif Sud, Tulette, France (curated by Marie de Brugerolle)
Dream'n'Wild, ALASKA Projects, Sydney, Australia (curated by Alexander Jackson Wyatt)
INTOTO 6, Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris
How well do you behave?, Beeler Gallery, Columbus College of Art & Design, OH, USA (curated by Jo-ey Tang)
Black Pages / Publizieren als künstlerische Praxis, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, Austria
Hazenstraat Biennale - Editions & Multiples, Galerie Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox 1989-2017, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria (curated by Luca Lo Pinto)
Corporate Fatigue, Neuer Wiener Kunstverein, Wien, Vienna, Austria (with Thomas Julier, Nelly Haliti, Jochen Schmith, Andrea Winkler)
Artists' books for Everything, Weserburg - Museum für moderne Kunst/Zentrum f. Künstlerpublikationen, Bremen, Germany
The plates of the present, so far, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France (curated by Thomas Fougeirol & Jo-ey Tang)
Interiors, Galerie Maria Bernheim, Zurich, Switzerland
Temporary Encounters (with Dino Zrnec), Galerija Galzenica, Velika Gorica, Croatia (curated by Branka Bencic)
Art Club #12/Folies d'hiver, Villa Medici – Acad.mie de France . Rome (Cur. Pier Paolo Pancotto)
Noir dedans, Le Manoir, Martigny, Switzerland
What kind of bird is this? (with Hugo Scibetta & Laetitia Badaut-Haussmann), LevyDelval, Brussels, Belgium
Flirting with Strangers, Belvedere/21er Haus, Vienna, Austria
Granpalazzo, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo, Rome, Italy
Une Nouvelle Verité, Chateau de Fernelmont, Fernelmont, Belgium
Closed Circuit, Apoteka Space for Contemporary Art, Vodnajan/Digano, Croatia
Rideaux / Blinds, Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France
N A PRIS LES DÉS curated by Arlène Berceliot Courtin, Paris, France
Tunguska, Galerie Maria Bernheim, Zurich, Switzerland
A form is a social gatherer, Plymouth Rock, Zurich, Switzerland
konkret–abstrakt, Parlament der Republik Österreich, Wien, Austria
Jahresgaben 2014, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
MANIFESTA, International Foundation Manifesta, Amsterdam, Netherlands
It Ain't Whatcha Write, It's The Way Atcha Write it, Manifesta Foundation in cooperation with Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frankendael Foundation (with Dieuwke Spaans), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Social Photography IV, Emily Harvey Foundation, New York, NY, USA
Againt the sun, Taylor Macklin, Zurich, Switzerland
Beyond the process/Werke aux der Sammlung Lenikus, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Vers une hypothèse, CAC Fort du Bruissin, Francheville / XII Lyon Biennial, France
De leur temps 4: Nantes, Centre d'art contemporain Le Hangar, Nantes, France
Die Sammlung #4, Belvedere/21 Haus, Vienna, Austria
Young Collectors, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium
Drawing Quote, Pigna Project Space, Rome, Italy
Works on Paper, CCA/Center for Contemporary Art Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Finisce e continue, Gesso, Vienna, Austria
Minimal Myth, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Le Prince des Rayons, Galerie VidalCuglietta, Brussels, Belgium
Behind the Light, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal
Europe, The Final Countdown, Zabriskie Point, Geneva, Switzerland
About Horizon, Galerie Vidal Cuglietta, Bruxelles, Belgium
Goupshow curated by Jorge Pallarès, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal
Biennale de Belleville, Chalet de Belleville, Paris, France
CCA/Center for Contemporary Art Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
The Last Decade, Ellipse Foundation, Alcoitao, Portugal
Control, Magazin 4 Bregenzer Kunstverein, Bregenz, Austria
Wallpaperism, Motel Campo, Geneva, Switzerland
The Garden View, Andreiana Mihail Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Living on the edge of a SILVER FUTURE, Galerie 5020, Salzburg, Austria
WYSIWYG, Rosenblum Collection / FIAC 2011, Paris, France
Both Ends Burning, Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Groupshow (with Marcus Gundling, Isabelle Fein, Sabine Reitmaier), Berlin, Germany
Mallorca (with Carsten Fock), Galerie Eva Winkeler, Cologne, Germany
Mike, Alec or Rufus? (Tom, Dick or Harry), Layr Wuestenhagen, Vienna, Austria
In passing 10 (with Christoph Meier und Ute Müller), Künstlerhauspassage, Vienna, Austria
Burn Baby Burn, DUVE Berlin, Germany
The Last Session (curated by Jan van Woensel), Vlaams Cultuurhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Schnitzel, Schmiss und Wiener Auster (with Carsten Fock and Svenja Deininger), Vienna, Austria
The Line is a LONELY Hunter, New Jerseyy, Basel, Switzerland
Landscope (Part II), Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria
Landscope, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Taking Harbours, Les Galeries Bains-Douches, Marseille, France
Young at Heart (Remix), Centro Cultural de Cascais, Cascais, Portugal
Manual CC 2 (with Julien Diehn), CSW Center for Contemporary Art Z. Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
Under the Pain of Death, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, NY, USA
Vacuum, CCC Centre de Création Contempraine, Tours, France
Manual CC 1 (with Julien Diehn), Galeria Kronika, Bytom, Poland
La Boum, Layr Wuestenhagen, Vienna, Austria
Pollenflug, Art Cologne Soderschau, Köln, Germany
Belvedere/21er Haus, Vienna
Cabinet of Drawings and Prints, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna
Landesgalerie Linz/Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art , Linz
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Rosenblum Collection, Paris
Caldic Collection, Rotterdam
Ellipse Foundation, Acoitao, Lisbon
Pizzuti Colletion, Columbus, OH
NOS / Non Objectif Sud, Tulette, France
Anton-Faistauer-Preis, Land Salzburg, Landesgalerie im Traklhaus, Austria
Artist in Residence, WIELS Center for Contemporary Art, Bruxelles, Belgium
Artist in Residence, CCA/Center for Contemporary Art Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Studio Grant BMUKK, ESAC Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Studio Grant BMUKK, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, France
Artist in Residence, CSW Center for Contemporary Art Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland