아드리안 게니(Adrian Ghenie)는 그 세대 유명한 화가 중 한 명으로 그의 역동적인 작품은 과거와 현재의 집단적 트라우마와 사적인 기억을 결합한다. 작가는 추상과 구상을 연결한 작품에 개인적, 미술사적 그리고 국가적 독자성을 활용한다. 또한 회화의 역사 뿐 아니라 ‘역사의 텍스처를 그리는 것’과 관련 지으며, 영웅이든 악당이든 그들의 행동이 역사적 흐름을 정의했던 인물들을 자주 포함한다. 그의 작품은 매체 가능성의 탐구에 중점을 두고 있으며, 역사화의 원대한 주제와 서사를 현대적 형태와 융합함으로써 특정한 주제보다 그림을 그리는 행위 그 자체를 다룬다.
게니의 작업 과정은 먼저 콜라주된 구성 요소들을 만든 후, 팔레트 나이프로 캔버스에 옮겨 제스처가 느껴지는 붓질과 텍스처를 만드는 것이다. 그의 최근 작품에도 혁신적인 드로잉 기법을 사용하며 유사한 과정을 구현한다. 종이에 목탄을 지우고 다시 칠하며 다면적인 이미지를 만들고, 이를 얇은 붓을 사용하여 캔버스에 다시 그려낸다. 그의 해체된 이미지들은 오토 딕스(Otto Dix), 윌렘 드 쿠닝 (Willem de Kooning), 그리고 빈센트 반 고흐(Vincent van Gogh)의 작품을 참고한 것이다.
1977년 루마니아 바이아 마레에서 태어난 게니는 현재 베를린을 기반으로 활동 중이다. 2015년 제 56회 베니스 비엔날레(Venice Biennale)에서 루마니아 대표 작가로 선정되었으며, 2019년에 상트페테르부르크 국립 에르미타주 박물관(the State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg)과 베니스 치니 궁전(Palazzo Cini, Venice)에서 개인전을 가졌다. 작가는 ‘방안의 방’으로 간주되는 설치 작품을 다수 제작했다. 그 중에서 <The Dada Room>(2010)은 현재 S.M.A.K. 겐트(S.M.A.K. Ghen, Ghent)에 영구 소장되었고, <The Darwin Room>(2013–14)은 퐁피두 센터(Centre Pompidou, Paris)에 소장되었다. 이후 빌라 메디치(Villa Medici, Rome, 2017)와 말라가 현대미술관(CAC Málaga, Spain, 2014), 덴버 현대미술관(Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, 2012), 겐트 시립현대미술관(Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, 2010), 루마니아 국립현대미술관(and the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, 2009)에서 개인전이 있었고, 퐁피두 센터(Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2016)와 빈센트 반 고흐 재단( Fondation Vincent van Gogh, Arles, 2016), 샌프란시스코 현대미술관(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2012), 그라시 궁전(Palazzo Grassi, 2011), 테이트 리버풀(Tate Liverpool, 2008) 등에서 기획된 다수의 전시에 참여했다.
Adrian Ghenie: Works on paper, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden, Germany
Adrian Ghenie: The Brave New World, Pace Gallery, New York, N.Y., US
Adrian Ghenie, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, Germany
The Impossible Body, ISHO Pavilion, Timisoara, Romania
The Fear of NOW, Thaddaeus Ropac, London, UK
Adrian Ghenie, Pace Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Adrian Ghenie: We Had Everything Before Us, Galerie Judin, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie, Pace Gallery, New York, NY, USA
'I have turned my only face...', The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Battle between Carnival and Feast, Palazzo Cini, Venice, Italy
Jungles in Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Adrian Ghenie: Nightscape, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie: The Graces, Galerie Juerg Judin, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie, Villa Medici, Rome, Italy
Adrian Ghenie: Recent Paintings, Pace Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Darwin's Room, 56th International Art Exhibition, Romanian Pavilion, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Adrian Ghenie, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles. CA, US
Adrian Ghenie, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Adrian Ghenie: Golems, Pace Gallery, London, UK
Adrian Ghenie: Berlin Noir, Galerie Judin, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie: New Paintings, Pace Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Adrian Ghenie: Pie-Fights and Pathos, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO, USA
Adrian Ghenie, Haunch of Venison, London, UK
Adrian Ghenie, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kuns, Ghent, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie: The Hunted, Nolan Judin, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Adrian Ghenie: Rainbow at dawn, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
Adrian Ghenie: Darkness for an Hour, Haunch of Venison, London, UK
Adrian Ghenie: The Flight into Egypt, Nolan Judin, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie: Works on Paper, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, Germany
Adrian Ghenie, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Adrian Ghenie: Dig and Hide, Chung King Project, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Adrian Ghenie: Shadow of a Daydream, Haunch of Venison, Zürich, Switzerland
Adrian Ghenie: They Said This Place Does not Exist, Wohnmaschine, Berlin, Germany
If You Open It You Get Dirty, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, Romania
Egon Schiele − Adrian Ghenie, Shadow Paintings Between Dissolution and Reincarnation, Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria
Drawn into the Present: Portraits on Paper, Thaddaeus Ropac, London, UK
DIX AND THE PRESENT, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
Looking Anew and Beyond: Contemporary Romanian Art from the Collection of the Arthur Taubman Trust, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA, USA
Diversity United. Contemporary European Art. Moscow. Berlin. Paris., Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, Germany; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
30 Years in Paris, Thaddeaus Ropac, Paris Pantin, France
Enjoy and Take Care!, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Live Forever, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
The Influencing Machine, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, Romania
Adrian Ghenie, La Fondazione, Rome, Italy
La Brique, the Brick, Cărămida | 43 Romanian artists, 54 artworks, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Mulhouse, France
KUNST KUNST KUNST, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
The Adderall and the Ecstasy, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, Romania
Something Living, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Hierophant, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, Romania
Take Care, Amigo, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Très Traits, Fondation Van Gogh, Arles, France
Chere(s) Ami(e)s, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Mapping Bucharest: Art, Memory, and Revolution 1916–2016, Vienna Biennale 2015, Museum für angewandte Kunst Vienna, Vienna, Austria
I Will Go There, Take Me Home, The MAC | Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast, UK
Run for the Roses, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Painting Show – Part One, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich, Germany
Love Story – The Anne & Wolfgang Titze Collection, Winter Palace and 21er Haus, Vienna, Austria
Nightfall: New Tendencies in Figurative Painting, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic
Six Lines of Flight: Shifting Geographies in Contemporary Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, USA
Francis Bacon and the Existential Condition in Contemporary Art, Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
European Travellers: Art from Cluj Today, Mücsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Burning, Bright: A Short History of the Light Bulb, Pace Gallery, New York, NY, USA
The Art of Climbing Mountains, 303 Gallery, New York, NY, USA
The World Belongs to You, Palazzo Grassi, François Pinault Foundation, Venice, Italy
One of a Thousand Ways to Defeat Entropy, Arsenale Novissimo, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
After the Fall, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, NY, USA; Knoxville Museum of Art, TN, USA
The Crystal Hypothesis, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy
Romanian Cultural Resolution: Figurative Painting in Romania, 1970–2010, Spinnerei Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Mircea Pinte Collection, Museum of Art Cluj, Cluj, Romania
Berlin Show #2, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, Germany
I've Watered a Horseshoe as if It Were a Flower, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, CA USA
Show Me a Hero, Calvert 22, London, UK
Stagingthe Grey, Prague Biennale 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Featuring 2, Galerie Chez Valentin, Paris, France
The Punishment of Lust and Luxury, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Drawings & Other Works on Paper, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Liverpool Biennial 2008: Made Up, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
BERLIN SHOW #1, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, Germany
RE-CONSTRUCTION - 3rd Edition of the Biennial of Young Artists, Sala Dalles, Bucharest, Romania
Days Become Nights, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, France
Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Muresan, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Size Matters: XS - Recent Small-Scale Paintings, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, NY, USA
Janis Avotins, Adrian Ghenie, Andrew Palmer, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich, Germany
Expanded Painting 2, Prague Biennale 3, Prague, Czech Republic
Eastern European Painting Now, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, TX, USA
Across The Trees, David Nolan Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Please Drive Slowly Through Our World, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Cluj Connection, Haunch of Venison, Zürich, Switzerland
Small Wonder, Andreiana Mihail Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp
Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent
Long Museum, Shanghai
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden
Amore Pacific Museum of Art, Seoul
Kolon Foundation, Seoul
Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, Málaga
Tate, London
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA