Image: Robert Rauschenberg | Ilya & Emilia Kabakov
Exhibition at the Festspielhaus, Salzburg

Robert Rauschenberg | Ilya & Emilia Kabakov Inferno | The Flying Komarov . (This link opens in a new tab).

19 Juillet—31 Août 2022
Karl Böhm Hall, Festspielhaus, Salzburg

With Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia standing at the heart of the Festival’s programming in 2022, the Salzburg Festival is curating an exhibition on the gallery of the Karl Böhm Hall that will feature Robert Rauschenberg’s series of Dante drawings as well as The Flying Komarov, a video installation by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov.

Associations with the Divine Comedy (the motifs of hell, purgatory and heaven) are particularly apparent in this year’s new opera productions, but also strongly present in the Ouverture spirituelle, which is programmed in 2022 under the rubric of ‘Sacrificium’. 

Festival visitors can view the exhibition in the Karl Böhm Hall from 19 July. The exhibition will be accessible one hour before the start of performances in the Haus für Mozart and the Felsenreitschule, as well as during the intermissions.

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