Gilbert & George • Ilya & Emilia Kabakov There are strange rapprochements... . (This link opens in a new tab).
The exhibition There are strange rapprochements... appeals to the visitor’s eye, their imagination and their power of interpretation to become a game for all the senses and a space for discovery. Artists think visually and draw inspiration from global art, often favouring the atypical and the unexpected. This exhibition shows how their choices often defy logic and the categories of art history.
Curator Jean-Hubert Martin has chosen not to accompany the exhibition with the usual labels that give the viewer a clear understanding of a work's place in the history of art. Instead, he proposes that the visitor base their experience of the exhibition primarily on their own impressions. The works of art are organised in chapters which together build up a coherent sequence, with each exhibit being conditioned by the previous one and anticipating the one that follows.