Image: Megan Rooney performance and artist Q&A
Megan Rooney, Still from performance in collaboration with Temitope Ajose-Cutting, Leah Marojevic and Tyrone Isaac, 2024. Photo: Camilla Greenwell

Megan Rooney performance and artist Q&A Spin Down Sky at Kettle's Yard . (This link opens in a new tab).

5 October 2024
Kettle's Yard, Cambridge

Spin Down Sky is a new dance performance by Megan Rooney commissioned specially for her solo exhibition, Echoes & Hours at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. Comprising the final chapter of the exhibition, the performance narrates the unlikely relationship between a moth and a spider – symbolic characters that hold personal significance for the artist. 

Performance Times on 5 October



The evening performance will be followed by an informal Q&A with Megan Rooney, and reception. 

About the Collaborators
Megan Rooney has been working with Temitope Ajose and Leah Marojevic since 2017. Their performance-based practice oriented around movement and colour has been part of Serpentine Park Night, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art.

tyroneisaacstuart is an interdisciplinary, concept driven artist whose skills originate from Jazz and Hip-Hop Theatre. He has worked with established artists within the Hip hop sector, contemporary dance and with many of the artists now shaping the Jazz scene. Commissions include a full length theatre work for the Barbican ‘An Earnest Life’, a duet for Dance Umbrella, Beyond Words & an international Solo work for Hayley Matthews Ensemble. He is a Steve Reid Innovation Award 2019-2020 recipient, and a 2020 Artist in Residence at Clarence Mews Space.

Temitope Ajose
Temitope Ajose has created and staged works for venues such as Royal Opera House and ROH2. Her works have been performed at DanceXchange, RichMix, Dancebase in Edinburgh, Swindon Dance and the Soho Joyce (New York). She has been part of the performance team restaging Joan Jonas retrospective at the Tate Modern, working with choreographer and curator Nefeli Skarmea for artist Megan Rooney at the Serpentine Pavilion and collaborated with Megan Rooney for her solo shows at Kunsthalle Germany and the Lyon Bianale. Temitope continues to make her own work, producing a work at The Southbank in collaboration with writer Jay Bernard My Name is my Own 2019, and the creation of her solo work Lady M (at home with Lady Macbeth) Choreodrome 2021.

Leah Marojevic
Leah is a contemporary dance artist who performs, makes performance, writes, teaches, directs and artistically supports other dance makers. Leah collaborates regularly with Theo Clinkard and Colette Sadler, and has worked with choreographers, visual artists and companies; Sarah Browne, Pauilina Olowska, Joe Moran, Sam Williams, Megan Rooney, Candoco Dance Company, Clod Ensemble, Darcy Wallace, Skånes Dansteater, Seke Chimutengwende, and Becky Hilton among others. Leah has worked for and within Greenwich Dance since 2014 and in the last years has been leading Open Professional Classes and Workshops for anyone who enjoys moving.

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