Image: This Week in Culture: December 11 - 17
Image: Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys, 1980. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Schellmann Art / DACS, London, 2023.
Featured in Cultured Magazine

This Week in Culture: December 11 - 17 'Andy Warhol: The Joseph Beuys Portraits' at Ely House, London . (This link opens in a new tab).

12 Décembre 2023
Ely House, London
Andy Warhol: The Joseph Beuys Portraits
 Thaddaeus Ropac
When: December 14, 2023 - February 9, 2024
Why It’s Worth a Look: For the first time since their presentation in the 1980s, Andy Warhol’s portraits of German artist Joseph Beuys are being exhibited as a collection. The works—normally scattered across museums in New York, Philadelphia, and London—represent some of Warhol’s earliest uses of diamond dust in portraiture and span painting, trial proofing, line drawing, and editioned works on paper.
Know Before You Go: The two artists, who were at the time representative of contemporary movements in American and European art, first met at a 1979 exhibition opening at Hans Mayer in Düsseldorf. In 1988, American writer David Galloway recalled the moment, writing, “For those who witnessed them approaching each other across the polished granite floor, the moment had all the ceremonial aura of two rival popes meeting in Avignon.”
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