The print, power and politics of Mandy El-Sayegh Inside ‘the mess’ that has inspired a triple bill of solo exhibitions . (This link opens in a new tab).
"You can read [my] work forensically, piecing together my story, or equally you can look at it as abstract painting —Mandy El-Sayegh
Mandy El-Sayegh converses with Victoria Woodcock about her solo exhibition Interiors at Thaddaeus Ropac London, how her work brings the studio into the gallery, the "chaotic archive" of fragments and personal and political assemblages, the ever-present element of enigmaticness in her works and the intrinsic connection between her body and psyche.
In Interiors, Sigmund Freud's studies on psychoanalysis are the starting point for a "rich red room":
"It will look like my studio, super-layered, with paintings on top and rugs on the floor... I want to create an oppressive psychical feeling - the idea of being inside my head."
Read the full article on The Financial Times | HTSI.