Painting of Heemin Chung Refining paintings by groping materials . (This link opens in a new tab).
By Jinjoo Kim (Curator, Seoul Museum of Art)
Yellow imitated gold. In the 15th century, a venetian painter discovered a yellow pigment and broke away from the prior techniques of replicating objects or images made of gold by painting them with gold. His endeavour was the initiation of a new experiment to expand the technique of imitation with materials that could be used on the day and place, to break away from the formula of equivalency such as painting gold with gold. On this day, after more than five hundred years have passed, numerous artists experiment with various materials as the elders did with the yellow pigment. The determination to ‘paint’ gold has still remained constant amid the development of materials. Heemin Chung brings the images that she sees on the digital screen into reality and explores the sensation of encountering the differences through the materials. An artistic challenge arises every moment when the implications embedded in her painting are unveiled. It is a determination as a painter to deal with the challenges of drawing, and the willingness to explore them by using ‘gel medium’.