Image: Emilio Vedova
Museum Exhibition

Emilio Vedova Rivoluzione Vedova . (This link opens in a new tab).

5 Mai—26 Novembre 2023
M9 - Museo del '900, Mestre, Italy

Promoted and organised by the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova in collaboration with M9 - Museo del '900, curated by Gabriella Belli and installed by Studio Alvisi Kirimoto, the exhibition opens an unprecedented path for the Museum, which has choosen contemporary art as a tool for exploring and interpreting the social, cultural, political and economic history of the 20th century. This choice once again highlights the central role played by Emilio Vedova within contemporary art. His work stands as an interpreter of and witness to the events that marked the 20th century, while maintaining the force of a constant topicality. On view, among others, are some fundamental works by the Venetian painter, characterised precisely by their strong link to dramatic events of his time, such as Diario partigiano (Partisan Diary, 1945), Diario di Corea (Korean Diary, 1951), Praga 1968 (Prague, 1968), Chi brucia un libro brucia un uomo (He who Burns a Book Burns a Man, 1993), as well as the seven-part Absurdes Berliner Tagebuch '64 (1964).

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